
Moonstone exhibits the phenomenon of adularescence. Adularescence is a soft glow of light that appears to float just below the surface of a polished gemstone a cabochon. The name “moonstone” was given because the floating light resembles the glow of the moon through a thin cloud cover. Moonstone is a creativity charm, and it rocks at bringing out your muse because it reminds you of the miracle of life and our vast universe of infinite possibilities.


Healing Qualities:
Metaphysical & Emotional: Brings about new beginnings, strengthens intuition, calms, brings unconscious thoughts to the surface, aids lucid dreaming, strengthens psychic abilities, empowers feminine energy, relieves stress, balances the emotions

Physical: Helpful for ailments of the digestive system, reproductive system, skin, hair, eyes, liver, and pancreas; relieves menstrual symptoms; relieves insomnia; helpful for fertility and childbearing

Tips for Use & Placement:

  • Moonstone is extremely connected to the moon and feminine energy

  • Moonstone's powers strengthens during the full moon

  • Strengthens psychic powers when worn as a necklace or ring

  • Encourages new thought processes when placed on solar plexus

  • Induces spiritual experiences when placed on third eye

  • Encourages love when placed on heart


  • Moonstone can improve intuition and may lead to illusions

  • Moonstone may need to be removed at full moon for some womxn

  • Moonstone cannot be placed in water

Quick Facts

Other Names:  Feldspar Group

Crystal Variety:  Hecatolite, Chandrakanta, Star Moonstone, Feldspath Nacré, Chandra Kanta Moni

Crystal Color:  White, cream, yellow, green, blue

Crystal Appearance:  Milky and translucent

Energy Center:  Third Eye, Crown

Element:  Air (Wind)

Zodiac Sign:  Cancer, Libra, Scorpio

Number:  4



