
Malachite's most striking physical property is its green color. All specimens of the mineral are green and range from a pastel green, to a bright green, to an extremely dark green that is almost black. It is typically found as stalactites and botryoidal coatings on the surfaces of underground cavities . When these materials are cut into slabs and pieces, the cut surfaces often exhibit beautiful banding and eyes.


Healing Qualities:
Metaphysical & Emotional: Grounds, protects, dispels electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), balances, strengthens intuition and insight, encourages transformation and change through risk-taking and realization, helps with breaking ties and preconceived notions, brings emotions to the surface, assists in a rebirth process for survivors of trauma, intensifies feelings

Physical: Helpful for ailments of the pancreas, spleen, parathyroid gland, liver, and immune system; menstrual symptoms and cramps; lowers blood pressure; supports female reproductive organs; helpful for asthma, arthritis, fractures, vertigo, tumors, and epilepsy

Tips for Use & Placement:

  • Be sure to cleanse your malachite before and after use

  • Best cleansed on quartz in sunlight

  • Improves insight and activates psychic vision when placed on third eye

  • Promotes emotional healing when placed on solar plexus

  • Relieves diabetes when placed around the waist


  • Handle malachite with caution, it is an extremely powerful stone

  • Malachite dust is toxic, only handle in a high quality polished form

  • Do not use salt or salt water on malachite

  • Do not place malachite in water

Quick Facts

Other Names:  Monoclinic

Crystal Variety:  Green Copper, Malakhite, Atlas Ore, Molochites, Mountain Green

Crystal Color:  Green

Crystal Appearance:  Opaque, banded with varying shades of green

Energy Center:  Solar Plexus, Heart

Element:  Fire

Zodiac Sign:  Capricorn, Scorpio

Number: 9


Lapis Lazuli

